
Don't think you'll make a difference? Think again.

Why Us

The Benjamin N. Cardozo Robotics Team is a dedicated and determined team with a fresh and diverse background. We are a new but experienced team with members virtually doubling every year. 

FACT: For our first year, we had roughly 15 members. The second year we had just over 30. Now, our third year and going strong, we have over 80 members! We assure a constant growth  rate, in both members and influence.

Sponsoring our team, whether it be through funding or supplies, allows your brand to be exposed to an ever-growing audience of people. Not only will your brand be granted exposure to this ever-growing team, but you also gain the added benefits of word-of-mouth and the constant exposure to the community our team provides, should you opt for our more moderate and upper Sponsorship Levels.

FACT: In 2016, 3,128 teams, over 75,000 students, and 19,000 mentors from 24 countries participated in the FIRST STRONGHOLD competition at the popular Jacob K. Javits CenterNumbers right from the FIRST Website Here!

Not to mention, we're qualified!

FACT: Team 5599 has brought home two awards to date- Future Glory and Rookie Inspiration. These two awards alone are self-explanatory and can speak for our potential and as a competitive and effective FRC Team.

Sponsorship Tiers

  • Titanium $3,000+ | Highest Benefactor

Benefactor will be given the honor of naming that season's competition robot.

  • Gold $1,000 - $2,999

Benefactors will get a featured post on each of our ever-growing social media outlets, each one with a strong following by our school's students, staff, alumni, friends, fans, and family.
Benefactors will have their logo/decal displayed at our fund-raising events such as demonstrations, bake-sales, and catering for school shows.

  • Carbon $900 - $999

Benefactors will have their logo posted on the landing page of our website.
Benefactors will also receive team apparel of choice, such as a wristband, button, T-Shirt, etc.

  • Silver $500 - $899

Benefactors will receive a letter of appreciation displaying their support for the team.
Benefactors will receive their logo on the team's seasonal T-shirt, along with an exclusive T-shirt from the team.

  • Iron $250 - $499

Benefactors will receive their company's logo/decal on our website's Sponsors page for the season and your company's logo/decal will be placed in our team lab.

  • Bronze $50 - $249

Benefactors will receive a letter of appreciation displaying their support for the team along with an invitation to our regional competition.

Sponsorship Incentives